Friday, January 21, 2011

Potty Training: Day 3

Well, today I figured out why "three days" is the magic number. It's because by the end of the third day, everyone is stir crazy and ready to get out and about again! This is actually important because it means you are willing to deal with "off site" accidents in order to escape home for a bit. All the "touchy feely" mommy stuff I've been feeling about spending so much time with Hamilton still just needs to breathe outside and watch his energy get expended not at Beckett's or my expense.

  • The particular potty training method I chose requires underwear all the time...even nights. First night: wet the bed (but didn't wake up). Second night: dry underwear! I'm not thinking this is a for sure thing every time, but at least I know it's possible.
  • No accidents until noon.
  • Had our first "fight" about going to the bathroom. I could tell he could go, but he refused, as he was totally focused on getting a mint. Promised him one if he went potty. Not supposed to bribe directly, but it was turning into a battle of wills, which Hamilton and I need NOT engage in.
  • 1 bigger accident; 1 small accident.
  • He's starting to repeat my constant "Don't forget to tell me if you need to go peepee or poopoo in the potty." And it's turning into an increasingly difficult tongue twister for me.
  • Had the inevitable "do you have a peanut?" discussion. That happened in the morning, but it was one of the first things Hamilton talked to Alex about when he came home.
Lessons Learned

I realize, of course, that "potty training" isn't really over, but I'm proud of how far we've come. I'm really proud of myself for sticking to a program, especially one that goes against the normal routine of me and the boys. I hope it turns out to be the right move.

I thought today that it's been kind of nice having half as many diapers to change. Thinking also that I'll be saving some significant cash each month.

I am going to have to really plan ahead and schedule errands/activities to increase the odds of accident-free ventures. I'm kind of nervous about what to do with Beckett when H has to go to the bathroom. Luckily, he's still in his portable car seat (but that only lasts the next month). Well, I had very little idea of what to do with a newborn baby, and Hamilton has made it to 3, so I guess I'll figure it out.

Think happy thoughts of dry underwear and clean bathrooms for us.


  1. I read days 1-3 and I am really impressed! Great Job. I dont know how u stayed inside for so long but I bet it will be worth it. I cant believe little H is being potty trained! wow

  2. congrats on all fronts - potty training, surviving so far, keeping us all updated on the blog, and future extra money saved. I will be checking into your potty training method in a year or so...
