Thursday, September 30, 2010

Because-It-Was-Too-Hot-To-Do-Anything-Else Photo Shoot

We Southern Californians have it pretty good in terms of weather. Those of us living in a beach city, even better. That said, we are always ill-prepared for a heat wave. "Just go the beach, you big baby!" one might say hearing a South Bay-er complain about the temperatures, but understand that you can't LIVE on the beach and few of us have air conditioning in our homes. Our upstairs is totally miserable, so we live downstairs. This is where the following photo shoot took place. It was mainly Hamilton's idea, who especially enjoys the instant gratification a digital camera brings. The boys are wearing diapers only because it's so hot...I'm wearing something similar, so am not in any of the pictures. Kidding.

Hamilton directed all the shots I took, which may come as a surprise, as most of you know how obsessed I am with Lightening McQueen...

We had to do a few takes of this last "action" shot of him "swooshing" Lightening through the air.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beckett is Seven Months!

Well, I cannot believe little baby is SEVEN months!( Awesome, but I've now lost the "I've just had a baby" excuse for my current weight. So sad.)

Becks is just getting cuter and cuter, in case anyone worried this belated post was due to a decrease in cuteness and sweetness. It's actually totally due to Hamilton NOT taking naps regularly, which used to be my blog reading/writing time. But, I digress...

Here are some highlights of our little guy...
  • Favorite foods so far seem to be oatmeal and squash
  • Can sit up on his own, but a big brother makes this a rare practice if Mommy's not in the same room.
  • Can ROLL OVER! Yea! Yeah, I know babies usually hit this milestone earlier, but if Beckett's on his tummy, he can't see Hamilton coming. So, smart Beckett put that physical feat off a bit.
  • Shows his excitement by catching his breath and kicking his legs and arms.
  • He is making "B" sounds, which I credit to his hearing "Boo Boo Beckett" all day. The "B" sounds are a bit of a pain when I'm trying to feed him. He is also clicking his tongue.
  • Current toy he loves chewing on: a small stuffed blue elephant (that I left somewhere, of course...hopefully, my grandmother's?)
  • Watches way too much TV thanks to Hamilton (the "way too much" is compared to Baby Hamilton's "none unless sick")
  • Has TWO little bottom teeth. Reasonably smooth teething experience...just a few sad times.
  • Loves his mommy (I mean, check out the jammies he's wearing!). A recent time in Kid's Club (daycare at the gym), he wouldn't stop crying until I held him. Stuff like this still trips me mean, he knows I'm his mom and it makes a difference? What?!
  • Hamilton cracks him up...and scares him. This will undoubtedly be their relationship for the next decade at least.
  • The two boys' personalities are pretty apparent in the following photo shoot. :) Chill Beckett does give a "behind the pacifier" smile in the last shot.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Conversations with Hamilton

The following post is to remind me that Hamilton is a cute, charming little boy and not just the sleep-deprived monster I've been dealing with all week....

While changing H's diaper during B's nap...

Hamilton: That's my peanut.
Me: Yep, that's your peanut.
Hamilton: Beckett's peanut is sleeping.

In the drive-thru line at McDonald's...

Hamilton: Are you getting chocolate milk or a Diet Coke?
Me: Probably a Diet Coke. [note: drinking a lot of this lately...hardest thing I can drink as a Mormon...]
Hamilton: I'll probably have chocolate milk and French fries.

While trying to get Hamilton's shoes and socks on...

Me: Argh! Will you just stay still? You're driving me nuts!
Hamilton: I'm NOT driving you nuts. I'm driving you bananas.

At the park, from out of nowhere...

Hamilton (in a sweet, little voice): You're my mommy forever.