Yes, I have a bunch of posts that pre-date this one (Christmas, Utah Christmas, H's B-day, B's 11 months), but I'm having some picture downloading issues and have been short on time in general. Excuses, excuses. The latest excuse is that I'm doing the "3 Day Potty Training" method, which means that pretty much EVERY moment is spent right next to Hamilton. Today was Day 1.
*I had to run a couple errands in the morning, so I wasn't planning on transitioning to underwear/the potty until we got back. But Hamilton suddenly exclaimed, "I have to go poo poo!" He ran up the stairs to his little potty, went pee pee without going at all in his diaper (he often gets the terms switched), and didn't want to put his diaper back on. I wasn't we at least did a pull-up for the errands.
*Hamilton's breakfast prayer: "I'm grateful for big boy underwear. Bless my potty training."
*Hamilton refused to wear anything other than his "big boy underwear." Luckily for him, we don't experience an actual winter here.
*Only 2 bigger accidents...none of them poop (whew! dreading that one).
*We didn't watch any TV. Yeah, I'm an awesome mom.
*Thanks to the sticker chart, I can see that he went pee pee in the potty 20 times today, including some poops as well (he earns toys for those trips). So that's where my time went...
Lessons learned:
*Moisturize my already dry hands often...LOTS of hand washing going on.
*Hard toddler potty wore on him by the end of the day...went and bought a soft seat to fit in regular toilet. Also purchased a step stool. And more stickers (totally underestimated potty trips).
*Must have caffeinated beverages on hand...tiring day with no chance to get one. Have a Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper to cover days 2 and 3. I'll quit eventually.
*I need to do chores, etc. before he gets up or after he goes to time when I'm on Potty Watch.
*Becks is awesome. He had multiple meals interrupted and was left alone and sad, so I could take H to the bathroom. He (no surprise) remained mostly in good spirits. Thanks, little guy.
WOW! Congrats Kate! Sounds like day one was quite a success! Definitely a role model...definitely in a 2 story house! You ran up and down those stairs more than 20 times yesterday?? No need to go to the gym when you are on potty watch. Love his prayer! What a sweet boy. You ARE a good mom...hope you didn't need a day of potty training to tell you that, but I'm glad you realized it...TV or not! Can't wait to get together soon!