- While staying the night at a hotel in St. George, a nasty ear infection flared up and kept him awake and crying from about 12:30 to 4am. After Alex and I each took him for a drive, we decided it was ER time. Luckily, it was a quick trip, and we were back by 6am, Beckett with a nice dose of sleep-inducing pain medicine inside him. We all slept in until 10am. Thank you thick hotel curtains!
- Beckett met my Grandpa and Grandma Faylor for the first time.
- Beckett did awesome in the car, sleeping when he needed to and being content to play with toys or watch Hamilton when he was awake. It was only the last hour of our trip back that I had to crawl in the back to keep him happy.
- After an observation from my dad's wife, I started noticing how content Becks is to sit and play. Hamilton wasn't like that at all...I appreciate it in Beckett.
- He's starting to wrap his arms around my neck more. Melts my heart every time.
- Overly obsessed with my glasses, taking them off to be more specific.
- He's exhibiting a shorter fuse with Hamilton. He's still very forgiving and patient, but "yells" at Hamilton more and cries sooner than usual. Absolutely cannot blame him for this development.
- He scoots on his tummy backwards well. We've heard him fussing, only to discover he's pushed himself halfway under the couch. Poor thing. :)
- No crawling, no cruising, no standing while holding onto anything other than me. I'm trying to focus on being grateful for his little mobility, rather than worried about his development and, honestly, what other people think about him.
A pretty accurate photographic representation of the boys' personalities. Hamilton is being nuts, and Beckett is seeming to say, "Dude, chill. Mommy's trying to take our picture."

Is he so squeezable or what??

I love you little guy!