Last Monday morning Alex called to see if we'd be interested in taking some Dodger tickets for that night (partner wasn't using his season tickets). What's the difference between baby #1 and baby #2? With Baby Hamilton, I probably would have been pretty hesitant. With Toddler Hamilton and Baby Beckett, I was like, "Yes! Please! Hooray!" I felt this way even with a kind of rainy irresponsible of a mother am I? I just figured we'd become a Dodger Poncho family that night if need be. But, luckily, our seats were under the overhang AND it didn't rain during the entire game.
Alex and I both figured we'd be leaving after just a few innings, but we ended up staying for the entire game! Hamilton had a great time: good seats, hot dogs, his first sips of Diet Coke (oops), and cheering on the Dodgers. I was explaining the game as the Astros came up to bat. The first pitch was a swing and a miss, and Hamilton said, "He's sad." I then had the honor of explaining that in this case we wanted the "red shirts" to be sad. There's not going to be any "everyone's a winner" kind of garbage at my house :). By the end of the game, he had developed his own cheer: "Hit the ball! Hit the ball Dodgers!" He also booed, jumped up and down, sang at the 7th inning stretch, and yelled "Charge!" He especially loved cheering and waving every time Manny Ramirez came up to bat, as he thought it was "Handy Manny." I guess he chose to ignore the lack of a tool box and sudden appearance of dreadlocks.
The only "bad" moment of the evening came (conveniently--haha) when I left to use the ladies. I guess Hamilton tried to escape and Beckett was screaming all at the same time. Oh well. Daddies need some of those moments know, develop empathy for mommies, etc.
When we left, Hamilton asked, "Where did the Dodgers go?" When I said, "They went home," he responded, "I want to go home too, like the Dodgers." He was so amped up from the game (which we won...hooray!), he didn't fall asleep at all on the drive home (it was well after 10pm), and, in fact, insisted that I sing "Take Me out to the Ball Game" several times.
I can't wait for more baseball memories with my boys.

HATE the picture of myself, but Beckett's so cute, I couldn't resist. Our camera died soon after, so these are all the pics we have.
Sounds like baseball is a winner in your house! Fun times