Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Take me out to the ball game...

Last Monday morning Alex called to see if we'd be interested in taking some Dodger tickets for that night (partner wasn't using his season tickets). What's the difference between baby #1 and baby #2? With Baby Hamilton, I probably would have been pretty hesitant. With Toddler Hamilton and Baby Beckett, I was like, "Yes! Please! Hooray!" I felt this way even with a kind of rainy day...how irresponsible of a mother am I? I just figured we'd become a Dodger Poncho family that night if need be. But, luckily, our seats were under the overhang AND it didn't rain during the entire game.

Alex and I both figured we'd be leaving after just a few innings, but we ended up staying for the entire game! Hamilton had a great time: good seats, hot dogs, his first sips of Diet Coke (oops), and cheering on the Dodgers. I was explaining the game as the Astros came up to bat. The first pitch was a swing and a miss, and Hamilton said, "He's sad." I then had the honor of explaining that in this case we wanted the "red shirts" to be sad. There's not going to be any "everyone's a winner" kind of garbage at my house :). By the end of the game, he had developed his own cheer: "Hit the ball! Hit the ball Dodgers!" He also booed, jumped up and down, sang at the 7th inning stretch, and yelled "Charge!" He especially loved cheering and waving every time Manny Ramirez came up to bat, as he thought it was "Handy Manny." I guess he chose to ignore the lack of a tool box and sudden appearance of dreadlocks.

The only "bad" moment of the evening came (conveniently--haha) when I left to use the ladies. I guess Hamilton tried to escape and Beckett was screaming all at the same time. Oh well. Daddies need some of those moments too...you know, develop empathy for mommies, etc.

When we left, Hamilton asked, "Where did the Dodgers go?" When I said, "They went home," he responded, "I want to go home too, like the Dodgers." He was so amped up from the game (which we won...hooray!), he didn't fall asleep at all on the drive home (it was well after 10pm), and, in fact, insisted that I sing "Take Me out to the Ball Game" several times.

I can't wait for more baseball memories with my boys.

HATE the picture of myself, but Beckett's so cute, I couldn't resist. Our camera died soon after, so these are all the pics we have.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Boys: A Comparison

I'm not sure why, but the most common comments about babies are related to whom they look like. Lately, people keep asking me if Beckett looks like Hamilton did. I feel like a terrible mom, but I really don't remember. So, here are a couple shots of the boys in the same outfit. What do you think?

Monday, May 17, 2010


A second post of the latest Hamilton moments and why we keep him around despite the constant threat to our second child...
  • Any time he stumbles, falls down, etc., the first words out of his mouth are "I'm okay!" If he's not actually ok, he'll start whimpering a little afterwards.
  • When Hamilton tripped in front of my dad and my dad didn't say anything, Hamilton helpfully prompted, "Are you okay, Hamilton?"
  • The "NOOO!!!!!" has (thank goodness) been replaced with a very polite "no, thank you." He tried (unsuccessfully) to use this phrase when I told him it was time to leave the park.
  • Is always saying, "Shall we..." Not sure where he picked up this formal speech.
  • Hamilton: Can I have some candy? Alex/Me: No. Hamilton: Can I watch a movie about candy?
  • "Grandma Lu Ann has red hair like Mommy!"
  • After going through a McDonald's drive-thru....Hamilton: Mommy, do you have a hamburger? Me: No, I got a fruit salad. Hamilton (smiling): A fruit salad! That's a great idea!
  • Pretty much every weekday morning...Hamilton: Daddy has to go to work? Alex: Yeah, buddy. Daddy has to go to work. Hamilton: Daddy never has to go to work?
  • And one morning when I REALLY needed it...Hamilton: Mommy goes to work? Me: No, I don't go to work. Well, I guess I work here. Hamilton: Mommy works at Hamilton's house? You're a good mommy.
  • Asked me if I got my red hair when I burned it. This came out of nowhere...what do these little guys think about?
  • On a walk around the neighborhood, we turned down a street that had a lot of trees...Hamilton: Wow! A forest! Mommy, do you see the forest! Me: Wow. Yeah, I see it. Hamilton: And a jungle! Where monkeys go!
  • We were walking to a friend's to drop off a baby present, and I was explaining that "Baby Rhys" is Kieran's little brother. Hamilton excitedly shouts, "Beckett's my little brother! Baby Beckett is mine!"
  • When we got into the hot car, Hamilton tried to blow on it to cool it down.
  • Mind over matter: Hamilton says, "It's not hot. It's not warm" when presented with freshly cooked food.
  • I asked him what Adam and Karen should name their baby. He thought and thought, even putting a finger to his lips saying, "hmmmm." His answer: Andy.
  • When asked to choose the FHE song this week, he choose "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home" and "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam."
  • As I'm gathering up everything to head out for some adventure, Hamilton asks, "Are you ready boys?"
  • At our weekly music class, we sing an introduction song where we go around and everyone says their name. Last week Hamilton said "Teddy Bear." And pretty much every week, he answers for every kid in the class.
  • This month our music class is learning a "safety song." When asked who he should go to for help if he gets lost, Hamilton (after thinking it over) answered, "A wolf."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Three Months, Beckett!

  • He's doing a great job growing! Chubby cheeks are here...and chunky thighs are on the horizon...hooray! The downside is saying good-bye to those cute newborn clothes.
  • When he wakes up at night to eat, the first thing he does when he sees me is smile. Seriously. And, knock on wood, "at night" is closer to "in the morning" lately. Please, don't let me have jinxed anything by trying to give an accurate account...
  • He continues to exhibit a very sweet, mellow personality. These words were even mentioned in his blessing. Whew.
  • He enjoys his swing, especially the mirror he can look up at and see his cute little face.
  • He likes bathtime now and diaper time is much calmer and usually ends up with him in a very Zen-like state.
  • He's started to play on his playmat. Mostly just smiling and cooing at what he sees.
  • His mommy is horrible at remembering to do "tummy time" and fears she's ruining his physical development.
  • He's had a couple diaper blowouts...ruined one of my favorite outfits. Just as a warning to moms, never think, "Wow. I hope he doesn't have his first blowout in this super cute and soft alligator sleeper OR in the middle of Disneyland." He did...both counts. Still love him.
  • He is still alive in spite of Hamilton. If I had a dollar for everytime I said...
"Stay away from the baby!"
"Too much! Too much!"
"Only Mommy holds him!"
we would no longer owe money on our home. Please note that the close-up of Beckett features Hamilton's finger. I was amazed to get a picture with only THAT much of Hamilton in it.
  • Three months is typically the time you get amnesia about so you actually consider having another baby. I'm REALLY glad to emerge from the three months fairly unscathed. Still don't want another one right now...and trying to locate a toddler boarding school.
note: Might seem a bit negative regarding crazy Hamilton...my next post will be a new list of Hamilton moments. I've been better at keeping track...it helps me remember he is smart, adorable, and hilarious.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day!

Dear Hamilton and Beckett,

Thank you for being crazy enough to let me be your mommy. Your cute smiles always make my day (and night...thank you, Becks). Hamilton, you may drive me nuts 85% of the time, but the other 15% is totally worth it. I love all the adventures we've been on and can't wait for more. I'm also excited to know more of who you are.

Thank you for my Mother's Day: Saturday Hamilton-Mommy movie date ("Oceans"), flowers, breakfast in bed, and letting Daddy change your icky diapers. And thank you especially for adding so much sweet to a usually bittersweet day.

I love you!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Family Weekend

Alex blessed little Beckett yesterday, which meant we got to enjoy our families for the weekend...

*Friday: Hamilton, Beckett, and I hung out with my grandma and my dad (Grandpa Phillip!) for the afternoon. Hamilton and I my dad played hard while my grandma and I dealt with a very, very sad Beckett who suffered some owie gas. I then stayed up into the wee hours of the morning baking and working on the house (you know all those projects you want to do but never have time because of the kids? Rethink wasting your time sleeping.)

*Saturday: Beckett and I had a quiet morning finishing up Alex's birthday cake (German chocolate from scratch...see pic) while Alex and Hamilton were getting Alex's car fixed. We had Alex's family (Kent, Dale, Aaron, Diana) and my family (Dad, Delys, Grandma Snyder) over for a belated "Happy Birthday Alex!" celebration.

*Sunday: Wonderful husband gives a wonderful blessing...followed by Cafe Rio-inspired pork salads. Does life get any better?

*Everyday: Hamilton out of his mind at having all his best playmates around all at once. Me thrilled at having family help with the boys and getting to cook and bake all the weekend. Beckett smiley and adorable (except for sad gas trouble). Alex doing a stellar job at ignoring the fact he had a big motion to write as soon as everyone left....he took advantage of that same "magical" time I did: 10pm-2am.
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