Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy TWO Months, Beckett!

Beckett is two months now...unbelievable! Here's what we know about this little guy these days:
  • He's still a good must be real. :)
  • He's quick to smile.
  • He has blue, blue eyes...hope they stay, doubt they will.
  • He is starting to make "coo-ing" noises at me...good conversation.
  • He grunts a lot in his sleep.
  • He still dislikes being naked and having his diaper changed, but he's getting more okay with it.
  • He has burps that would make Homer Simpson envious.
  • He's getting into a nighttime sleep routine: 9pm-fall asleep on Daddy's shoulder; 3am-wake up; 7-ish: up again. Not bad! :)
  • He's super tough: went 24+ hours without food (only an IV) and underwent surgery.
  • He likes his pacifier but not totally dependent on it (hooray).
  • He's eating a lot and gaining weight!

He's already showing off his scar. :)


  1. It's amazing just how much they both look like Alex. Aaron keeps saying that it's weird just how much Hamilton is looking like Alex (he's having flashbacks to ages 3 & 4, I think). We're so glad they're both healthy and happy, and that you had a lovely anniversary trip. We love and miss you both!

  2. I Love these boys and I can't wait to see them in may! Beckett is looking so good and Spencer and I are really happy he is gaining weight! Happy Anniversary, it looks liek you had a great time.

  3. he is adorable! i can't believe he's already 2 months!! so very cute. and i love that he's a burper. hilarious!! :)

  4. ps-and woot-woo on the weight gain! i'm SO happy things are going well for him in that department!! :)
