I used to love naptime. Hamilton would sleep 2-3 hours, allowing me to do productive tasks as well as the not-so-productive ones that make me happy. Now Hamilton doesn't nap everyday (grrrrr), and it is rare that he and Beckett sleep at the same time. So, when the magic day occurs that they DO sleep simultaneously, I feel a lot of confusion and pressure about how to spend that precious time. The other day (after eating and doing dishes) I'd narrowed my choices down to (a) shower or (b) take a nap...both kind of necessary that day. I thought maybe I'd sleep better not being gross, so I hopped in the shower. I got out to discover that I'd made the right choice because when I came out, I looked in the bassinet and saw this...

Kind of disappointing, but babies have a natural protection from sad, sleep-deprived mommies:
they are just too cute to be mad at for long.