Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hamilton's sick today. This is so sweet and sad all at once. He stayed in our bed until 2:00pm, lying there and sleeping, in between trips to the bathroom. It is so strange having this active, funny, challenging boy so still and so quiet. It's like he's been put on "slow mo" and "mute," which while sad, also lets me soak in his cute face, baby him a little, and appreciate how much I love the crazy dude I normally live with.

Eventually, Hamilton felt up to going downstairs to lie on the couch and watch something. Alex put on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, as requested. During the opening, Mickey Mouse says, "Hey everybody! I'm Mickey Mouse! Do you want to come play in my clubhouse?" Today, in a sad, little voice, Hamilton responded, "Yes....but I'm sick."

How do you not love this kid to the moon and back?


  1. awww. I love him to the moon and back. What a sweet Saturday for you. And hooray that Alex was home! I picked up Adam at 9pm.

  2. port little guy! I hope he recovered fast!
