I'm not sure how or when it started, but Beckett insists on taking his naps in Hamilton's bed. I guess I should be happy, as it should make the crib-to-bed transition that much easier. And actually, to be honest, I think it's adorable and I kind of love being able to lie down next to him and read a story. Judging by his sweet giggles, he doesn't mind it much either.
The downside to this new nap routine is that sometimes he gets out of bed and wanders around the room, playing with toys or reading books. So, I have to check on him every 10 minutes or so to make sure the "sleeping" part of naptime is getting its due.
When I cracked open the door today, I didn't see him on the bed...couldn't see him anywhere actually, but I could hear the tell-tale breathing of a sleeping boy. After a couple scans of the room I found him. Can you?
When I picked him up to put him in the bed, I discovered that he was sleeping on top of the rocking horse "rocker" and using a soft ball as a cuddly pillow.
Funny, funny boy. Love him.
i love stuff like that. that's when i want to freeze-frame time.