Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Beckett

At around 9pm, I brought a sad, little Beckett downstairs. Before I'd reached the bottom, Alex pronounced, "He's got you wrapped around his little finger."

I was surprised, "What?! Really?? Do you think that's true? I had to bring him down because he wouldn't let me go---his little hands were hugging my neck tight whenever I tried to put him back in the crib."

Yeah, ok. Maybe Alex has a point. But looking at my cutie pie in his tight "mommy's little monster" jammies, I didn't really care.

Mom's aren't supposed to have favorites. And I don't. Honestly. Moms, rather, have different kids. My brother Travis once described it as having different cars. Sometimes you want to take the SUV out and other times it's a Porche kind of a day. But you love your whole fleet.

I'm not sure how to directly apply that car metaphor to my boys, but they are definitely different. And this leads to a post focusing on my littlest rascal, who does kind of have me wrapped around his finger.
  • Beckett still lets me snuggle and squeeze him. Hamilton declared independence before they'd closed me up after the c-section.
  • Beckett doesn't say too many words, so it's funny to me the words he does choose to use: hot dog, chocolate (to instruct me to make chocolate milk), pizza, baseball bat, mommy (for hamilton and me), me (usually accompanied by a raise of his hand), mine (important one for a younger brother), daddy, baa (the animal sound as well as the show i let him watch: "Shawn the Sheep" ), and block.
  • His stand-up routine at dinner is to put his fork backwards in his mouth...just lets it hang there until I call him a "silly goose" whereupon his laughing mouth can't keep it in any longer.
  • I let him sleep in our bed on occasion (like the occasions when he wakes up at an ungodly hour and I'm no mood for "tough love sleep training"). One time he was getting so frustrated with me. He finally grabbed my arm and jabbered something. I promptly let him snuggle in the crook of my arm, and he went right to sleep.
  • He copies everything Hamilton does. This is alternately cute and maddening.
  • He just learned how to hop. I credit a pumpkin patch bounce house.
  • He loves shooting baskets and hitting baseballs. He even hits his bat on the ground before he gets ready for a pitch. That's the "cute" part of copying Hamilton.
  • He automatically folds his arms when he sits down to eat. He's usually our reminder to pray.
  • He gets knocked down by Hamilton a lot, which probably helps keep up my soft spot for him and thinking of him as "my baby."
  • Beckett loves the "animal game." Before we'd even gotten to the game portion of FHE, he was crawling around the floor growling.
  • The most common comment about Beckett is "he's such a sweet boy." :) Don't worry...he's got some "naughty" in him too to keep it interesting.
  • He is really good at playing on his own: blocks, books, cars, train table...
  • Beckett likes to dance.
  • He is very ticklish. I am always happy to take advantage of this, so I can hear the cutest laugh ever. He doesn't mind much either--sometimes he'll walk up to me, tickling his tummy saying, "tickle! tickle!"
Who wouldn't be wrapped around his finger, right? :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm not sure how or when it started, but Beckett insists on taking his naps in Hamilton's bed. I guess I should be happy, as it should make the crib-to-bed transition that much easier. And actually, to be honest, I think it's adorable and I kind of love being able to lie down next to him and read a story. Judging by his sweet giggles, he doesn't mind it much either.

The downside to this new nap routine is that sometimes he gets out of bed and wanders around the room, playing with toys or reading books. So, I have to check on him every 10 minutes or so to make sure the "sleeping" part of naptime is getting its due.

When I cracked open the door today, I didn't see him on the bed...couldn't see him anywhere actually, but I could hear the tell-tale breathing of a sleeping boy. After a couple scans of the room I found him. Can you?

When I picked him up to put him in the bed, I discovered that he was sleeping on top of the rocking horse "rocker" and using a soft ball as a cuddly pillow.

Funny, funny boy. Love him.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out and About

Scrolling through iPhoto, I see so many great shots of the boys, so many fun memories. I thought I'd copied over a lot more, but it just did these 5. That'll have to do. It's 11:30, and I'm supposed to be at the track by 6am.

Sunday walk in PV:

These boots were made for...?

I made my Facebook buddies play "New Yorker caption contest" with that pic. Some of my favs:
  • "Tex" gets burned by the Indian medicine man.
  • ‎"There's a snake between my boots!"
  • These boots were NOT made for walkin'!
  • I told you, just shrink his head.

Awww, my little sand crab:

Halloween is definitely Hamilton's favorite holiday. He's been prepping for weeks. And, yes, he went to the store in this:

Craft stores are more manageable with hats. :) Seeing this picture, I kind of regret denying H a "good behavior" treat at the end. Yes, he was a little naughty. But seriously, shouldn't "cute" pay off somehow? FYI: The gun is in a holster, which is in his pocket.