I'm not (nor have I ever been) a huge fan of Mother's Day. It's always struck me as a bit trite and contrived. Plus, I usually worry about how it makes those without kids or without moms or with sub-par moms feel. However, this year felt a little different. Maybe a one-year-old Beckett tipped the scale into the holiday's favor. Or maybe I made a conscious decision to make it a good, fun day. In any case, it did in fact turn out to be a great day.
I got to snuggle Beckett and sleep in a little more before being awakened by Hamilton bringing me breakfast in bed, which he helped make, and a card. We miraculously hustled ourselves to church and arrived on time for Hamilton to participate in the Primary children singing the prelude music. This had been making me tear up since I was pregnant, so I really couldn't wait. Unfortunately, it looks like it will be another year of waiting for me because Hamilton burst into tears and returned to our seat before any singing took place. Glass half full perspective: I didn't cry during church. Thanks, bud!
Alex had to jet to this office as soon as church was over. Kind of a bummer, but I'd resolved to embrace the day as a true mother's day (i.e. no father). While Beckett took a nap, Hamilton and I made my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. It's the best, ask me and I will give it to you.
matching aprons...

I didn't realize how uptight I was about things until I had kids. Like, I thought it would be fun to bake with them, but I can't get over how they do everything "wrong." Yeah, I'm ridiculous. In honor of the day though, I let go a bit. Guess what? Cookies turned out, and we had fun.

Then, it was off for a walk on the Strand, where I promised Hamilton he could eat some cookies. Of course, while I was gathering everything for the walk, he managed to sneak one in the kitchen. How did I catch him? As I was walking downstairs, he yelled, "Don't come in the kitchen, Mommy!"

After a pleasant walk, featuring Hamilton running, sitting on the stroller, walking, standing on the stroller, and stopping to sit on benches, we made it to the pier. I think Hamilton could have spent all day there watching the surfers and scaring me to death by climbing the railings.

sounds like you had a great day!
ReplyDeletelove it ... and i'm just like you in that i'm WAY too uptight about things to let my kids help in the kitchen much. i do let them, but the entire time i'm telling myself to calm down. breathe in. don't say anything about the spilled flour, eggs, butter, etc. :) glad to know i'm not the only one like that. :) and mostly just glad you got to have a nice mother's day!
ReplyDeleteps-i can't believe how big your boys are - and so very cute too! i love hamilton's hair. :)