Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hamilton and Beckett are in pretty cute phases right now. Phases that come with multiple "I have to remember that!" moments and routines each day. Unfortunately, keeping the boys alive and the house in reasonable order is making it impossible to remember and write down all those "unforgettable" memories. This is making me very sad and frustrated. So, I'm starting this post today, with the knowledge that I will add to it throughout the week, as I find my hurried post-it note list of moments and remember others. I tried asking Alex for help, but all he offered was, "If you were a better mom, you'd remember them." Thanks, Honey.

  • He is getting quite adept at crawling, realizing that my fingers are not available 24/7 to help him walk (he's working on confidence and Hamilton defense right now...he really CAN walk on his own).
  • If I'm holding him and I open the fridge, he spits that pacifier out matter how recently he's eaten or had a drink.
  • He was really struggling with a nighttime fever for a few nights. It was rough waking up every hour or so while he struggled, but there were sweet moments too, like when the only way he'd stop crying and go to sleep was in Alex's and my bed while I lay next to him telling him "The Three Little Pigs."
  • For the last 3 days, at approximately 11:30am, he loses it completely, screaming and crying until he gets put in his crib. We are, of course, always far from home when this starts.
  • He's starting to push Hamilton away and retain control of his toys more. Good job, Beckett!
  • Yesterday, he kept destroying Hamilton's train tracks. It felt like such a brother moment: Beckett thrilled about doing it, and Hamilton SO frustrated.
  • He doesn't have "real" words yet, but his favorite communication is shaking his head no, as in "No, I don't want to eat that" and "No, I don't want to walk to Mommy. Just to Daddy." Yeah, Alex's is 2 for 2. Bummer.
  • When I told him what the "real" name for his "peanut" was, he just laughed and said, "I don't think so!"
  • To a random mom sitting on a bench at the park: "Things aren't going very well."
  • "I have an excellent idea: we can count the clouds!"
  • While Alex and I are having Beckett walk between us: "Pass him to me! Pass him to me!"
  • Discoveries in the bathtub: Hey Mom, look at this! It tickles me!" Sometimes I think having boys is NOT so awesome.
  • Hamilton was zoning out in the car after 7 hours at Disneyland. I asked him, "Are you tired, bud?" He responded, "No, I'm just hanging out." Later on the phone with Alex (bluetooth...we're law-abiding citizens), I said the boys were drifting off, and Hamilton immediately opened his eyes wide and sat up, "I'm not tired!" He was asleep less than 5 minutes later.

The Boys
  • I had the best time pushing them in the swings yesterday. Hamilton kept alternating between wanting to be treated like a big kid "I want an 'underdog,' Mommy!" and like Beckett, so I was saying things like "I'm going to get you!" to him.

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