Well, I cannot believe it...my little baby is SEVEN months!( Awesome, but I've now lost the "I've just had a baby" excuse for my current weight. So sad.)
Becks is just getting cuter and cuter, in case anyone worried this belated post was due to a decrease in cuteness and sweetness. It's actually totally due to Hamilton NOT taking naps regularly, which used to be my blog reading/writing time. But, I digress...
Here are some highlights of our little guy...
- Favorite foods so far seem to be oatmeal and squash
- Can sit up on his own, but a big brother makes this a rare practice if Mommy's not in the same room.
- Can ROLL OVER! Yea! Yeah, I know babies usually hit this milestone earlier, but if Beckett's on his tummy, he can't see Hamilton coming. So, smart Beckett put that physical feat off a bit.
- Shows his excitement by catching his breath and kicking his legs and arms.
- He is making "B" sounds, which I credit to his hearing "Boo Boo Beckett" all day. The "B" sounds are a bit of a pain when I'm trying to feed him. He is also clicking his tongue.
- Current toy he loves chewing on: a small stuffed blue elephant (that I left somewhere, of course...hopefully, my grandmother's?)
- Watches way too much TV thanks to Hamilton (the "way too much" is compared to Baby Hamilton's "none unless sick")
- Has TWO little bottom teeth. Reasonably smooth teething experience...just a few sad times.
- Loves his mommy (I mean, check out the jammies he's wearing!). A recent time in Kid's Club (daycare at the gym), he wouldn't stop crying until I held him. Stuff like this still trips me out...you mean, he knows I'm his mom and it makes a difference? What?!
- Hamilton cracks him up...and scares him. This will undoubtedly be their relationship for the next decade at least.
- The two boys' personalities are pretty apparent in the following photo shoot. :) Chill Beckett does give a "behind the pacifier" smile in the last shot.

Becket and Hamilton.. what a pair.... This is the first time I have seen Becket.. wow, what blue eyes... they remind me of GP Wes... the recessive gene finely comes throug!!!