Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy (Belated) Six Months, Beckett!

I'm not a horrible mom, I least not for this late blog post. It is Beckett's fault. A few low sleep nights kind of put me in slow motion and behind on stuff. So, here it goes...

The Stats...
  • 18 pounds! No one will believe me there was a period where he wasn't gaining weight. (50-60%)
  • 26 1/2 inches tall (50-60%)
  • 44.5 cm head circumference (65%)
The Boy Himself...
  • First reactions to seeing me when he wakes up are kicking feet and a big smile
  • Is usually sleeping through the night
  • Still not rolling over, but he's getting pretty good at sitting up
  • Had his first long vacation (visited family in Utah) and was pretty awesome in the car and pretty ok at adjusting to new places
  • I know he's sleepy when he nuzzles his head into my neck, which might make you think he falls asleep there. No. My boy prefers to be lying down on his own with his blankey and pacifier. He only fell asleep at church when I stopped holding and rocking him and put him on another chair by himself.
  • Is enjoying the exersaucer...except when Hamilton is playing with it at the same time
  • 2nd attempt at rice cereal: much more successful, but he's not really into it.
  • Cereal + carrots = rough, rough night
  • Sweet potatoes = so far so good
  • Is enjoying books now. I started reading to Hamilton at like 2 weeks. Poor neglected 2nd child.
  • First trip to the beach. Liked the sand...not so much the ocean itself.
  • Loves bathtime. He starts kicking, smiling, laughing when I put him down on the mat and start the water...this is even if he was fussing moments before.
  • Still thinks Hamilton is hilarious. One can often hear Hamilton requesting, "I want to make Beckett laugh," which is accompanied by his removing Beckett's pacifier.
  • Starting to exhibit signs of serious "I love Daddy"--super happy watching Alex teach Gospel Doctrine and seeing him come home. more on Alex's team.
  • Beckett's favorite toy is his squeaky giraffe.
  • He can grab his toes...he is fascinated by those toes.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just because...

I have lots to post about (vacations, the beach, etc.), but I couldn't resist posting these photos of Beckett modeling his post-bath robe.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Loving Hamilton...

Throughout the entirety of our recent family vacation, Hamilton tried to convince Alex to drive away without me. "No! No Mommy! Don't come!" is what I heard every time I got into the car. I went from amused to slightly annoyed to hurt, so I have been relieved to be home and back to our normal (mostly positive) routine together. Today seemed especially nice, and I didn't want to forget it. Nothing too amazing...just a snapshot of one of our days.
  • Played trains together in the morning. He's getting better and better at putting those tracks together. He likes playing "I think I can...I think I can," but today the uphill ended in a "cliff," so the poor train's accomplishment turned immediately tragic.
  • Went to "Park Day" (fab park overlooking the ocean---some parts of my life are truly awesome) where Hamilton played for about two hours with one of his best buddies, Stockton. Stockton got hurt, and I gave him a piece of licorice (trying to teach emotional eating early). When he got hurt again, Hamilton came running over saying, "Licorice boys!" He also climbed halfway up a very tall chain link fence, which he called a "web"--kind of clever, I thought.
  • Ate "kabobs" and grapes for lunch. The "kabobs" are actually chicken hamburgers I cut up and put on toothpicks. Last Saturday Hamilton heard a sample lady at Costco saying, "Kabobs! Try some kabobs here!" and became obsessed with eating one. It was, of course, a crazy crowd around her, so we got him a hamburger sample instead and called it a "kabob." He ate it and liked it, so we bought some. But Hamilton has suckered me into buying stuff before, so I decided to keep to the sample presentation. It's working.
  • A couple books and a "scuba diver story" (he insists on this latter one---one we make up-- everytime), and he was out. Thank you Park Day!
  • When I picked him up from the gym's Kids Club, he ran up to me with a "surprise." He'd made me a helicopter out of blocks. It was actually pretty good.
  • As we pulled into the Target check-out line, Hamilton was singing "Farmer in the Dell" at the top of his lungs. He then turned a little grumpy when I denied him candy. After I gave him a "mommy look" for screaming at me, he turned to the guy next to us and said with great seriousness, "We're in really big trouble."
  • His music request for FHE was our version of "We are a Happy Family," his announcement (as usual) was "green," and when Alex asked him to name one of his friends, he said, "Mommy."
Man, I love that kid!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hair Today...Gone Tomorrow

When I first heard about moms who couldn't bear to have their kids' hair cut off, I thought they were a little crazy. Fast forward to me having a little boy who grows awesome, adorable curls. The two times his hair has really grown out and really curled up, I've felt sick about cutting it off. In both cases though, he's been just as cute after as before.

Thank you to the fine people at Floyd's for managing to cut someone's hair who is increasingly NOT loving the whole haircut business. This last time Hamilton sat in my lap in fetal position shouting, "I don't want it! I don't want a haircut!" Not even promises of suckers calmed him down. After it was all done, though, he couldn't stop admiring himself in the mirror.