I'm not a horrible mom, I promise...at least not for this late blog post. It is Beckett's fault. A few low sleep nights kind of put me in slow motion and behind on stuff. So, here it goes...
The Stats...
- 18 pounds! No one will believe me there was a period where he wasn't gaining weight. (50-60%)
- 26 1/2 inches tall (50-60%)
- 44.5 cm head circumference (65%)
The Boy Himself...
- First reactions to seeing me when he wakes up are kicking feet and a big smile
- Is usually sleeping through the night
- Still not rolling over, but he's getting pretty good at sitting up
- Had his first long vacation (visited family in Utah) and was pretty awesome in the car and pretty ok at adjusting to new places
- I know he's sleepy when he nuzzles his head into my neck, which might make you think he falls asleep there. No. My boy prefers to be lying down on his own with his blankey and pacifier. He only fell asleep at church when I stopped holding and rocking him and put him on another chair by himself.
- Is enjoying the exersaucer...except when Hamilton is playing with it at the same time
- 2nd attempt at rice cereal: much more successful, but he's not really into it.
- Cereal + carrots = rough, rough night
- Sweet potatoes = so far so good
- Is enjoying books now. I started reading to Hamilton at like 2 weeks. Poor neglected 2nd child.
- First trip to the beach. Liked the sand...not so much the ocean itself.
- Loves bathtime. He starts kicking, smiling, laughing when I put him down on the mat and start the water...this is even if he was fussing moments before.
- Still thinks Hamilton is hilarious. One can often hear Hamilton requesting, "I want to make Beckett laugh," which is accompanied by his removing Beckett's pacifier.
- Starting to exhibit signs of serious "I love Daddy"--super happy watching Alex teach Gospel Doctrine and seeing him come home. Darn...one more on Alex's team.
- Beckett's favorite toy is his squeaky giraffe.
- He can grab his toes...he is fascinated by those toes.