Monday, June 28, 2010

FHE Highlights

I keep having moments with Hamilton when I think, "Remember this! Remember this!" And then, of course, I don't have a chance right away to write it down and promptly forget it. So, here's a quick post to capture some of tonight's cuteness (although I'm certain I'm forgetting something even still)...
  • When Alex came home, the boys were showered, jammied, and ready for FHE. When Hamilton saw Alex, he shouted, "Family Home Evening time!"
  • Opening song? Hamilton requested his usual: "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home." When I didn't immediately start singing, Hamilton pointed at me and said, "Mommy sing it!" He also did all the "pat cheeks," etc. actions. After the song, Hamilton confidently told Alex, "You're happy now!" Hamilton then came over and gave me and Beckett hugs and pronounced us happy as well. We were :).
  • Hamilton gave the opening prayer, and without prompting asked to "bless the lesson." When we told him he did a good job with the prayer, he smiled and said, "Just like Jesus does!"
  • Announcements: Hamilton's announcements are always about his and everyone else's favorite color.
  • Lesson: Noah's Ark. "Giraffes and zebras and pigs!"
  • The moment the lesson was over, Hamilton announced, "Family Home Evening treat!"
I should add here that it sounds like we are awesome, organized, spiritual parents to have FHE with such young kids. We do no preparation, and it all lasts less than five minutes. That said, I am amazed at how much it adds to our family. So glad we started doing this!


  1. This is cute. It also reminds me that We need to be better at doing FHE even if there are only 2 of us.

  2. i love that they're so excited about it.and i love that you have "family announcements" :) great! cole has always (and still does) call it "family home eating" :) yep. gotta love fhe and kids.
