Travis and Heidi were generous enough to make themselves scarce for the last ten days, which afforded me the opportunity to enjoy some aunt-nephew time...with the added benefit of being able to test out the whole "two boys" thing. I have to say, I think I'm in for a bit of trouble but a whole lot of fun.....
First Luke, Hamilton, and I spent a few hours at Disneyland. Relieved to discover that two boys were NOT twice as much work...and this from the 9+ month pregnant lady.
Hamilton actually spotted Mickey Mouse first...Luke and I initially dismissed his "Mickey! Mickey!" as referring to the opening gate flowers. Glad we took a second look! Not pictured: hugs, high fives, and Luke complimenting Mickey's ears.

The next week, Hamilton and I invited Miles over for a "play date." This actually saved me because Hamilton was crazy and unnapped that day...Miles kept him happier and more entertained than worn-out Mommy could alone.
Here they are enjoying popcorn and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse:
And some dinner....
They liked to line up against the wall and then say, "Ready, Set, Goooo!" and take off...

I loved having the chance to spend time with all my little guys these last couple weeks. Luke was actually the first baby that made me feel, "Wow...I could hold this little guy all day long. Maybe I do have some maternal-something inside me." And now I have another nephew I adore, a boy of my own, and another on the way. How lucky am I?

I loved having the chance to spend time with all my little guys these last couple weeks. Luke was actually the first baby that made me feel, "Wow...I could hold this little guy all day long. Maybe I do have some maternal-something inside me." And now I have another nephew I adore, a boy of my own, and another on the way. How lucky am I?
These kids crack me up!!! I am so so glad you posted these pictures. I loved hearing about them but to see them is great. We got some great little boys in our family, and we are all so excited for one more to be added! I especially love the picture of miles and hamilton sitting on the sofa. they look so old and so little at the same time. it is so cute