Friday, July 15, 2011

If I had a videographer following me around today...

you would have seen some of the following scenes:
  • Hamilton "diving" in the pool to get a ball over and over. This move kind of looks like he's drowning, so the first 30 minutes I spent a lot of time having mini panic attacks. He also kept trying to float on his back by himself. Proud of him :).
  • Beckett making his daily show of "Why Mommy Shouldn't Trust Me with a Go-gurt."
  • Me and the boys playing baseball at the was non-contentious for 40 minutes. I'm not kidding!
  • Hamilton hitting the ball straight up into the air and then hitting it again on the way down. It even got ooo's and ahhhh's from a couple passersby.
  • Beckett pitching to Hamilton, and Hamilton being really sweet about it.
  • Hamilton hitting a hard line drive straight into Beckett's leg. This then led to a clear example of what kind of parent I am: hug Beckett while simultaneously congratulating Hamilton on a good hit. "Run the bases! You didn't mean to hit him...he's ok!"
  • Hamilton running those bases as if in a mirror world...they are apparently behind him. Hope that gets sorted out before t-ball.
  • The boys eating a good dinner...hooray!
  • Me and the little boys waiting for Alex on the porch.
  • Beckett copying Alex's "chicken" impersonation.
I really, really wish I had more video of the boys. But two boys, two's just not always possible, especially when I'm pitching.

1 comment:

  1. love it, and while you didn't have a video, your words do justice. what a good mom you are! how i wish we were closer and our boys could bat together!!

    ps-love the "you didn't mean to, run the bases" incident. :)
