Alas, the big four-month post was delayed yet again. This time due to post-vaccination misery, complicated by the Tylenol recall. I felt so helpless failing to find medicine for my little guy. Luckily, Target had some, and things were a bit more bearable for everyone. And today, Beckett returned to his usual happy self, so our latest photo shoot was a go...
The Stats:
- Head: 42 cm (40%)
- Weight: 15 pounds 3 ounces (50%)
- Height: 25 inches (50%)
The doctor actually had the nurse come back and get Beckett's height a second time because he's grown SO much in the last two months. We are especially excited about the high percentiles. Hamilton was usually in the teens. As a result, Beckett is growing out of his cute clothes way too fast! It's already time for me to purge his drawers and add the next batch.
The Boy Himself:
- Beckett has opted to be an easy baby in all areas except health: early labor, surgery, and last week...sneaky ear infection. Luckily, Hamilton also kept his ear infection under the radar, so I suspect them with just about every cold. I somehow managed to talk myself into getting a dr's appt (nurses are serious gatekeepers for those "non-parents" reading this), and sure enough, he had them in both ears...and a couple days later we were back for bad diaper rash and abscesses on his private area. Oh boy. The swing picture kind of captures him not feeling well.
- He has graduated from the baby tub "sling" and now chills in there on his own (I mean sans sling...I am ALWAYS right there!). He LOVES relaxing in the bath, managing to do so even when sharing the bathtub with Hamilton. His bathtime activities include smiling and talking to me, as well as kicking. Tonight he splashed with his hands for the first time.
- He is pretty ticklish. Armpits, neck, chunky thighs. This often results in his laughing while I'm changing his clothes.
- He isn't sleeping through the night consistently. The pediatrician wants me to work on this. Wish us luck.
- "Tummy Time" needs to be worked on as well. Hamilton rolled over before he was three months! Beckett has come close, but from back to tummy.
- He loves eating his hands. It's not unusual for him to gag himself though. Oops.
- Hamilton makes him laugh. I was holding Beckett on my lap while we were waiting for the doctor. Hamilton was being his usual crazy self, and Beckett was just cracking up. Once Hamilton realized what he was doing, Hamilton "hammed" it up even more for his little brother.
- Afternoon naps are in the swing. Not an awesome habit, I guess, but it's sooo nice for the boys to have easy naptime at the same time. Besides, Becks does go to sleep on his own in bed at night.
- Chubby thighs!
- Fingernails grow sooo fast. Luckily, I'm much better at trimming them than with Hamilton. Alex still refuses to do it.