Monday, April 12, 2010

Funny Boys

It is very true that the boys often drive me nuts, but they just as often crack me up. Here are just a couple examples...

Sometimes I bring Beckett into our bed in the morning to try and get a few more minutes of sleep. He often stays in bed longer than I do (thanks, Hamilton) and gives me a glimpse into his sleepy, lazy teenage years.

During dinner recently, Hamilton decided he wanted chocolate milk and water. Fair enough...but at the same time?!


  1. Maybe he just wanted some lowfat chocolate milk?


  2. Hahaha I am not gonna lie that picture of Beckster reminds me of how I sleep. I love my nephews!!!

  3. such cute boys! i love the sprawled sleeping look. makes me want to take a nap. :) and don't you love what they come up with ?? duel sippies. pretty smart! :)
